"Well, I built my rocket and we'll have a race
We'll be the first to rock into outer space
I wanna rock on the moon, a-rock, rock, rock
Well, rock on the moon, a-rock, rock, rock
We'll rock on the moon, brother, rock and roll tonight"
- The Cramps
Phase of the Moon Today: Waning Gibbous 78% of Full
There are three types of rock found on the Moon.
This first type are the lunar mare basalts. These formed by the lava solidifying to form these volcanic igneous rocks. The lava's origin was generated by shock induced heating associated with a series of gigantic meteor impact events that formed mare basins.
The second type are the plutonic igneous rocks of the Moon. These rock constitute most of the lunar highlands and are original crystal rocks. They are rich in feldspar and consist of anorthosite, norites and troctolites in different amounts. These rock show evidence of shock metamorphism due to a long history of meteor impacts on the Mon's surface. They also show a brecciated texture which is a diaplectic glass formed by shock melt of feldspar.
The third type are lunar impact breccia. These are the most common types of rocks on the Moon. the are made from the debris of many meteor impacts. They are formed when fragments of shattered rock, either smashed together by collision or sintered together by the heat of a collision or cemented together by infiltrating impact melt.
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