Sunday, 22 November 2009

Transmission #33 From Tycho (Mission Accomplished)

"I'll be back."

Arnold Schwarzenegger

This is my last transmission from Tycho as I am heading home.

Class Moon Activities - Week 8

Activity-Mission Design

This activity would satisfy all of the outcomes below in Grade 9 Unit E: Space Exploration (Science and Technology Emphasis). This can be completed over a 2 week period and culminating with the presentation of their lunar base designs. A photo journal could be implemented to document their findings and posted on the school’s website.

Overview: Technologies have played an essential role in the study of space and in the emerging use of space environments. Our modern understanding of space has developed in conjunction with advances in techniques for viewing distant objects, for transmitting images and data through space, and for manned and unmanned space exploration. A study of space exploration provides an opportunity for students to examine how science and technology interact and to learn how one process augments the other. Students become aware that technologies developed to meet the challenges of space are applied to new purposes.

2. Identify problems in developing technologies for space exploration, describe technologies developed for life in space, and explain the scientific principles involved
• analyze space environments, and identify challenges that must be met in developing life-supporting systems (e.g., analyze implications of variations in gravity, temperature, availability of water, atmospheric pressure and atmospheric composition)

• describe technologies for life-support systems, and interpret the scientific principles on which they are based (e.g., investigate systems that involve the recycling of water and air)

• describe technologies for space transport, and interpret the scientific principles involved (e.g., describe the development of multistage rockets, shuttles and space stations; build a model vehicle to explore a planet or moon)

• identify materials and processes developed to meet needs in space, and identify related applications (e.g., medicines, remote sensing, microelectronics, polymers, medical imaging, wireless communication technologies, synthesis of fuels)

• describe the development of artificial satellites, and explain the major purposes for which they are used (e.g., communication, GPS—global positioning system, weather observation)

Activity: Mission Moon

This activity would also fit into the Grade 9 Space Exploration Unit. The outcomes addressed are below. I would use this activity as a springboard to further research and investigations. For the grade 9 level it is better used as an introduction activity – they could investigate their chosen site further and choose a specific site for landing.

Skill Outcomes (focus on problem solving)

Initiating and Planning

Students will:
Ask questions about the relationships between and among observable variables, and plan investigations to address those questions
• identify practical problems

Performing and Recording

Students will:
Conduct investigations into the relationships between and among observations, and gather and record qualitative and quantitative data
• research information relevant to a given problem
• select and integrate information from various print and electronic sources or from several parts of the same source
• organize data, using a format that is appropriate to the task or experiment

Communication and Teamwork

Students will:
Work collaboratively on problems; and use appropriate language and formats to communicate ideas, procedures and results
• receive, understand and act on the ideas of others
• work cooperatively with team members to develop and carry out a plan, and troubleshoot problems as they arise
• defend a given position on an issue or problem, based on their findings (e.g., conduct appropriate research to justify their position on the economic costs or benefits of space exploration)

Activity: Build A Base

This activity is similar to the two above – it really depends on the teacher and how much time they want their class to spend on it. The outcomes reached are also reflected below. I would have the students complete the base construction on their own. It would be interesting to see the many designs. The designs could then be showcased for the whole school or have a parent night where they get to see all of the designs.

2. Identify problems in developing technologies for space exploration, describe technologies developed for life in space, and explain the scientific principles involved
• analyze space environments, and identify challenges that must be met in developing life-supporting systems (e.g., analyze implications of variations in gravity, temperature, availability of water, atmospheric pressure and atmospheric composition)

• describe technologies for life-support systems, and interpret the scientific principles on which they are based (e.g., investigate systems that involve the recycling of water and air)

• describe technologies for space transport, and interpret the scientific principles involved (e.g., describe the development of multistage rockets, shuttles and space stations; build a model vehicle to explore a planet or moon)

• identify materials and processes developed to meet needs in space, and identify related applications (e.g., medicines, remote sensing, microelectronics, polymers, medical imaging, wireless communication technologies, synthesis of fuels)

Monday, 16 November 2009

Transmission #31 from Tycho (Lunar Learnings)

"Whenever I found out anything remarkable, I have thought it my duty to put down my discovery on paper, so that all ingenious people might be informed thereof." Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - Dutch Biologist

Phase of the Moon today: Waxing Crescent
Above is a picture of the bulletin board in my classroom, as a teacher I enjoy sharing what I learn with my students. The quote above describes some of my feelings about the Geology of the Moon course I have just completed: "remarkable." I have gone from someone not knowing very much about the Moon to someone that can describe and explain the many geological processes that have helped form it. I could explain to my students why the Moon phases occur, and the movement of the terminator. I now know that we see more than 50% of the lunar surface due to librations. I can discuss how the Moon has become tidally locked to the Earth the reason being the systems gravitational force is unbalanced due to the Earth and Moon not having a constant diameter. I could show a picture of the Moon and describe how certain features, lunar mare and craters have formed and why we see them. I can give a synapsis of the different moon formation theories and provide the pros and cons of them all. I could make a strong case for why the big impact theory is the most commonly accepted theory amongst lunar scientists. I can describe the mechanism for the formation of the two types of impact craters: simple and complex. I can explain what happens at the contact stage, the excavation stage and modification stage and why this process is an important process in interpreting solar system evolution. The lunar cataclysm is know an event that can be used to describe lunar history and how it relates to Earth's impact database. Regolith was a foreign word to me nine weeks ago but it no longer is. Lava channels, volcanic domes, pahoehoe flow are all terms that also helped shape the Moon's surface. Explaining their formation and function with those found on Earth is now possible. A comparison of the lunar rock cycle and Earth's rock cycle can now be made. I am familiar with the many different moon missions i.e. Apollo, Chandrayaan-1, LCROSS, Clementine and LRO. I was able to see via NASA TV the collision of a 'satellite' with the Caebus crater on the Moon. I can share my knowledge of how an ALTA spectrometer works and how we can use it to identify different rock samples. I have knowledge to assist in picking a suitable site for a lunar base and many other bits of info not mentioned here. I have many different activities I want to share with other science teachers through my website. And most importantly I have a new found love for this beautiful object in our night sky that we call the MOON.
signing off...

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Transmission #30 From Tycho (Moon Map Missions)

"You’ll learn more about a road by traveling it than be consulting all the maps in the world.” - author unknown

Phase of the Moon Today: Waning Crescent 9%

The following post are descriptions of the various Moon Map Missions as described in this week's Powerpoint presentation.

The Clementine Mission
(Department of Defense and NASA) provided a more comprehensive and higher resolution view of our Moon than ever before between January and June 1994. Spectrometers measured reflected light in eleven wavelength bands from within ultraviolet to the near infrared (415 to 2800 nanometers). The spectral signatures allowed scientists to map the broad distribution of lunar rock types and soils, resolving the surface at a scale as small as 300 feet (100 meters). Clementine identified by compositional differences using different spectral signatures for the largest impact basin on the Moon — and the biggest hole in our solar system — South Pole Aitken Basin. They located regions near the lunar south pole that may be in permanent shadow, and therefore permanently cold, creating the ideal environment for water ice deposits to form. Most of the images that follow were collected by the Clementine spacecraft instruments.

Lunar Prospector
Followed Clementine, collecting spectral data to identify potential resources in the lunar crust, including minerals, water ice, and certain gases. It carried a Gamma Ray Spectrometer. Gamma radiation is not reflected radiation, it is emitted from the decay of radioactive elements or from elements bombarded by high energy solar radiation. Each element emits gamma rays at a characteristic energy or wavelength. The Gamma Ray Spectrometer mapped the abundances of ten elements on the lunar surface. Some of these, such as iron, oxygen, aluminum, silicon, and titanium, are important resources for future habitation. Data collected by other spectrometers aboard suggested the presence of hydrogen, possibly related to ice, in permanently shadowed polar regions.

The European Space Agency's Small Missions for Advanced Research in Technology
(SMART-1) spacecraft included several spectrometers to characterize the chemical composition and geological history of the Moon. The mission concentrated on identifying compositional changes associated with impact craters and analyzing the lunar interior excavated by the impactors.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Kaguya
Carries X-ray and gamma-ray spectrometers that will provide information about the major elements in the lunar crust to help scientists understand how the crust formed.

Chang'e 1
Part of the China National Space Administration's lunar program, is flying an imaging spectrometer, as well as X-ray and gamma-ray spectrometers, to help constrain the compositions of the lunar surface.
signing off

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Transmission #29 From Tycho (Water on the Moon!)

"Water, water, everywhere,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink." - Samuel Taylor Coleridge from The Rime of The Ancient Mariner

Phase of the Moon Today: Waning Crescent 15% of Full

The Rime of The Ancient Mariner is a poem that most people have heard before. It tells the story of a sea voyage of a mariner and his crew. Along the way they face many adversities one being the torment of their thirst that they can't quench. With the latest news from NASA's LCROSS mission (See transmission #5) it made me think of this quote and the implications of finding water on the Moon.

According to various news sources, they have found 25 gallons of water in the plume that was kicked up in the impact plume. On October 9th, NASA collided two "projectiles" into the Cabeus crater, one after the other in order to collect data form the resulting debris. The first "projectile" caused debris to uprise and the second collected data about the composition of this plume. Some of the data has now been analysed and according to the mission leader there was a "significant amount" of water discovered.

The discovery of this water source has sparked new interest in the Moon and the possibility of a lunar base closer to a reality. The reason this discovery is so important is that it would supply drinking water to a base and it is a key ingredient for rocket fuel that can be used to explore further into space. This discovery may also provide more information on the Moon's formation, the formation of the Earth and other solar systems' secrets.

To be honest I'm a little surprised that it took us this long to discover water on the Moon.
signing off....

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Transmission #28 From Tycho (M3 Mapper)

"The volume of data collected from Chandrayaan-I is phenomenal. Our computers in ISRO and NASA are filled up with information. It may take six months to three years to analyse it." - G Madhavan Nair ISRO chairman

Phase of the Moon Today: Waning Crescent 23% of Full

The Moon Mineralogy Mapper is an instrument aboard the Chandrayaan-1 lunar probe. It's mission is to map the luanr surface through high resolution spectral analysis. This will enable scientists to (hopefully?) answer questions regarding the Moon's origin and evolution.

The picture attached is one of the images produced by this spectrometer and it clearly shows water signatures at the poles of the Moon - where there is water - there is a potential for life - and potential for a lunar base. We'll just have to wait and see.
Here is a link to a book on the history of the Chandrayaan-1 mission
signing off

Monday, 9 November 2009

Transmission #27 From Tycho (Reflectance spectroscopy)

"But still try, for who knows what is possible…" - Michael Faraday

Phase of the Moon today: Waning Crescent 35% of Full

Because of the work on Faraday and Maxell and their connections of electricity to magnetism allowed the understanding of EMR - electromagnetic radiation - with this understanding comes technology to study this phenomenon - one type being the spectrometer.

Using an ALTA spectrometer allows us to identify different rock types by allowing us to measure different wavelengths of EMR (electromagnetic radiation) that reflect off the surface of a rock or other sample. By ‘shining’ light of a specific wavelength on the surface of a rock and measuring the wavelength that has been reflected we can plot light as a function of the wavelength to create a rock spectra curve or graph. This curve allows us to compare samples to known samples or other tested samples and from that we can deduce their composition.

The reason this happens is that the rock samples contain materials within that have a defined chemical composition and atomic structure. This material essentially has its own ‘fingerprint’ that can be compared to known samples. When a photon of light hits the surface of the sample the energy of this photon must be conserved according to the principle of conservation of energy. The incoming light is ‘broken up’ into reflected light and absorbed. The ALTA spectrometer allows us to measure this reflected portion of light using a photo detector within the apparatus. The ALTA spectrometer is technically a multiband photometer since it has a limited spectral range (visible to infrared) and senses the reflected light with a silicon photodiode. This diode is connected to a circuit that allows the digitization of the reflectance of light in tenths of a millivolt. This number provides us with a quantitative number to allow us to create a rock spectra described above which allows the identification of rock types.

signing off


Sunday, 8 November 2009

Friday, 6 November 2009

Class Moon Activities Week 7

Electromagnetic radiation and spectroscopy are the focus of this week's activities.

Introduction to ALTA

Lesson 1 ALTA
This activity would make a great pre-assessment for Grade 8 – Unit C Light and Optical Systems or Physics 30 Unit C Electromagnetic Radiation.

Grade 8 – Light and Optical Systems Unit C

2. Investigate the transmission of light, and describe its behaviour using a geometric ray model
• investigate how light is reflected, transmitted and absorbed by different materials; and describe differences in the optical properties of various materials (e.g., compare light absorption of different materials; identify materials that transmit light; distinguish between clear and translucent materials; identify materials that will reflect a beam of light as a coherent beam)
• investigate, measure and describe the refraction of light through different materials (e.g., measure differences in light refraction through pure water, salt water and different oils)

Physics 30 – Electromagnetic Radiation Unit C
Knowledge outcomes
30–C1.6k describe, quantitatively and qualitatively, the phenomena of reflection and refraction, including total internal reflection
30–C1.8k describe, qualitatively, diffraction, interference and polarization

This too would make a great exercise at the beginning of the Unit C for Physics 30. Students could complete this individually then as a class they could create a ‘poster ‘to be hung up in the classroom and added/revised/changed as we went through the unit.

Knowledge outcome
30–C1.2k compare and contrast the constituents of the electromagnetic spectrum on the basis of frequency and wavelength

M3 Introduction /M3 Module 1

This can be used in Grade 4 Unit D

General Learner Expectations
Students will:
4–9 Identify sources of light, describe the interaction of light with different materials, and infer the pathway of a light beam.
11. Recognize that light can be broken into colours and that different colours of light can be combined to form a new colour.

It could also be used in Grade 8 Unit C

Students will:
1. Investigate the nature of light and vision; and describe the role of invention, explanation and inquiry
in developing our current knowledge
• identify challenges in explaining the nature of light and vision (e.g., recognize that past explanations for vision involved conflicting ideas about the interaction of eyes and objects viewed)

Activity B – Making Observations of Spectra

This can be used in Grade 4 Unit D
We can include the diffraction grating as a device to be used.

12. Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of optical devices, describe how they are used, and describe their general structure. Suggested examples include: hand lens,telescope, microscope, pinhole camera, lightsensitive paper, camera, kaleidoscope.
Students meeting this expectation will be able to provide practical descriptions of the operation of such devices, but are not required to provide theoretical explanations of how the devices work.

This can also be used for Physics 30 Unit C

30–C1.12k compare and contrast the visible spectra produced by diffraction gratings and triangular

Activity C – Introduction to the ALTA Spectrometers and Activity D – Spectrometers in Action

These final two activities from Module 1 would make a great discussion for the following outcome in Grade 8 Science Unit C

3. Investigate and explain the science of image formation and vision, and interpret related technologies
• investigate and interpret emerging technologies for storing and transmitting images in digital form (e.g., digital cameras, infrared imaging, remote imaging technologies)

Conduct investigations into the relationships between and among observations, and gather and record
qualitative and quantitative data
use instruments effectively and accurately for collecting data
organize data, using a format that is appropriate to the task or experiment

It would also make an excellent fit in Grade 9 Science Unit C – Space Exploration

1. Investigate and describe ways that human understanding of Earth and space has depended on technological development
• investigate and illustrate the contributions of technological advances—including optical telescopes, spectral analysis and space travel—to a scientific understanding of space

3. Describe and interpret the science of optical and radio telescopes, space probes and remote sensing technologies
• describe and interpret, in general terms, the technologies used in global positioning systems and in remote sensing

M3 Module 2

Activity A: Observing the Moon and Activity B: Remote Analysis of the Moon

The following are all outcomes for the Grade 9 Science Unit C – Space Exploration and by completing the above activities each outcome would be addressed.

1. Investigate and describe ways that human understanding of Earth and space has depended on
technological development
• investigate and illustrate the contributions of technological advances—including optical telescopes, spectral analysis and space travel—to a scientific understanding of space
• identify evidence for, and describe characteristics of, bodies that make up the solar system; and
compare their composition and characteristics with those of Earth

3. Describe and interpret the science of optical and radio telescopes, space probes and remote sensing technologies
• describe and interpret, in general terms, the technologies used in global positioning systems and in remote sensing

Skill Outcomes (focus on problem solving)
Initiating and Planning
Students will:
Ask questions about the relationships between and among observable variables, and plan investigations to address those questions
• state a prediction and a hypothesis based on background information or an observed pattern of events (e.g., predict the next appearance of a comet, based on past observations; develop a hypothesis about the geologic history of a planet or its moon, based on recent data)

M3 Module 3

This activity couldn’t be more suited for the following outcome in Grade 9 Science Unit C – Space Exploration.

Skill Outcomes (focus on problem solving)
Initiating and Planning
Students will:
Ask questions about the relationships between and among observable variables, and plan investigations to address those questions
• state a prediction and a hypothesis based on background information or an observed pattern of events (e.g., predict the next appearance of a comet, based on past observations; develop a hypothesis about the geologic history of a planet or its moon, based on recent data)

Class Moon Activities Week 5

Week 5 was all about volcanism and how it helped shape and evolved on the lunar surface throughout history. Here are the weekly activities for this week.

Gelatin volcanoes/Gelatin volcanoes -student sheet

This activity fits well in Grade 7 Unit E: Planet Earth
Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Knowledge
Students will:
1. Describe and demonstrate methods used in the scientific study of Earth and in observing and interpreting its component materials
• investigate and interpret evidence that Earth’s surface undergoes both gradual and sudden change (e.g., recognize earthquakes, volcanoes and landslides as examples of sudden change; recognize glacial erosion and river erosion as examples of gradual/incremental change)
• interpret models that show a layered structure for Earth’s interior; and describe, in general terms, evidence for such models
• identify and explain the purpose of different tools and techniques used in the study of Earth (e.g., describe and explain the use of seismographs and coring drills, as well as tools and techniques for the close examination of rocks; describe methods used in oil and gas exploration)
2. Identify evidence for the rock cycle, and use the rock cycle concept to interpret and explain the characteristics of particular rocks
• describe characteristics of the three main classes of rocks—igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic—and describe evidence of their formation (e.g., describe evidence of igneous rock formation, based on the study of rocks found in and around volcanoes)

Lava layering

This activity can be used in either the Grade 7 Unit E: Planet Earth or Grade 8 Unit A: Mix and Flow in Matter
Grade 7 Outcomes:
Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Knowledge
Students will:
1. Describe and demonstrate methods used in the scientific study of Earth and in observing and
interpreting its component materials
• investigate and interpret evidence that Earth’s surface undergoes both gradual and sudden change (e.g., recognize earthquakes, volcanoes and landslides as examples of sudden change; recognize glacial erosion and river erosion as examples of gradual/incremental change)
• interpret models that show a layered structure for Earth’s interior; and describe, in general terms, evidence for such models

Analyzing and Interpreting
Students will:
Analyze qualitative and quantitative data, and develop and assess possible explanations
• predict the value of a variable, by interpolating or extrapolating from data (e.g., determine
the quantity of sediment carried over a half-hour period, then extrapolate the amount that would be carried if the time were extended to a day, month, year or millennium)
Performing and Recording
Students will:
Conduct investigations into the relationships between and among observations, and gather and record qualitative and quantitative data
• carry out procedures, controlling the major variables
• estimate measurements (e.g., estimate the thickness of sedimentary layers)

Grade 8 Outcomes
Investigate and compare the properties of gases and liquids; and relate variations in their viscosity, density, buoyancy and compressibility to the particle model of matter
• investigate and compare fluids, based on their viscosity and flow rate, and describe the effects of temperature change on liquid flow
Performing and Recording
Students will:
Conduct investigations into the relationships between and among observations, and gather and record qualitative and quantitative data
• carry out procedures, controlling the major variables (e.g., carry out a test of the viscosity of different fluids)

Students could change and test the viscosity of different types of lava and how that changes the formation of layers.

Another way this could be used is to estimate/measure and calculate the surface area of each lava layer. This idea of surface area calculations would fit in the Grade 9 Math program of studies.

Class Moon Activities Week 4

This week's activities centered around impact craters and the lunar regolith and how it is made.

Impact cratering

This activity fits in Science 10 Unit B: Energy Flow in Technological Systems (Science and Technology Emphasis).
Students will explain and apply concepts used in theoretical and practical measures of energy in mechanical systems. More specifically quantify kinetic energy using Ek = 1/2 mv2 and relate this concept to energy conservation in transformations as is the case with this activity. As for any modification I would have them calculate the impact velocities before beginning the activity.

Lunar regolith

This has a great fit for Science 7 Unit E: Planet Earth (Nature of Science Emphasis).
Here are some focussing questions that can be asked of the students before embarking on this unit.
Focusing Questions: What do we know about Earth—about its surface and what lies below? What evidence do we have, and how do we use this evidence in developing an understanding of Earth and its changes?
Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Knowledge
Students will:
2. Identify evidence for the rock cycle, and use the rock cycle concept to interpret and explain the characteristics of particular rocks
• describe local rocks and sediments, and interpret ways they may have formed
• investigate and interpret examples of weathering, erosion and sedimentation

Balloon craters

This would fit in the Science 9 Unit E: Space Exploration (Science and Technology Emphasis).
Skill Outcomes (focus on problem solving)
Initiating and Planning
Students will:
Ask questions about the relationships between and among observable variables, and plan
investigations to address those questions
• state a prediction and a hypothesis based on background information or an observed pattern of events (e.g. develop a hypothesis about the geologic history of a planet or its moon, based on recent data)Show them pictures or have them research craters.

Performing and Recording
Students will:
Conduct investigations into the relationships between and among observations, and gather and record qualitative and quantitative data
• research information relevant to a given problem
• select and integrate information from various print and electronic sources or from several parts of the same source
• organize data, using a format that is appropriate to the task or experiment

Analyzing and Interpreting
Students will:
Analyze qualitative and quantitative data, and develop and assess possible explanations
• identify new questions and problems that arise from what was learned (e.g., “How old are the planets, and how did they form?”)

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Transmission #25 from Tycho (Lunar rocks)

"Well, I built my rocket and we'll have a race

We'll be the first to rock into outer space

I wanna rock on the moon, a-rock, rock, rock

Well, rock on the moon, a-rock, rock, rock

We'll rock on the moon, brother, rock and roll tonight"

- The Cramps

Phase of the Moon Today: Waning Gibbous 78% of Full
There are three types of rock found on the Moon.
This first type are the lunar mare basalts. These formed by the lava solidifying to form these volcanic igneous rocks. The lava's origin was generated by shock induced heating associated with a series of gigantic meteor impact events that formed mare basins.
The second type are the plutonic igneous rocks of the Moon. These rock constitute most of the lunar highlands and are original crystal rocks. They are rich in feldspar and consist of anorthosite, norites and troctolites in different amounts. These rock show evidence of shock metamorphism due to a long history of meteor impacts on the Mon's surface. They also show a brecciated texture which is a diaplectic glass formed by shock melt of feldspar.
The third type are lunar impact breccia. These are the most common types of rocks on the Moon. the are made from the debris of many meteor impacts. They are formed when fragments of shattered rock, either smashed together by collision or sintered together by the heat of a collision or cemented together by infiltrating impact melt.
signing off

Monday, 2 November 2009

Transmission #24 from Tycho (Tides)

"Tide and time wait for no man." - proverb

Phase of the Moon Today: Waning Gibbous 98% of Full

Today I was discussing the tides, and how the Moon effects the tides on Earth in my Physics 20 class. We are currently discussing Newton's laws and the force of gravity. We are also looking at gravitational fields and how they are calculated .

Essentially tides are the rise and fall of sea levels due to the effects of the gravitational force exerted on the Earth due to the Moon. Most coastal area experience two high periods and two low tidal periods. This is becasue the point right "under" the Moon, the water is at its closest to the Moon, thus experiences a stronger force causing it to rise. On the opposite side of the Earth, the water is at its farthest fromthe Moon so it is pulled less.

One question that was asked in our class was whether the moon can affect water in our body? I'll have to look into that.

signing up...


Sunday, 1 November 2009

Transmission #23 from Tycho (Volcanism)

"What time does the volcano erupt?" Tourist on Mt. Etna 2000

Phase of the Moon Today: Full Moon

Well, if we were on the Moon about 4 billion years ago.